What You Need To Know About Real Estate IRA Investment Options

You know that a real estate IRA opens the door to many investment opportunities not available with traditional IRA types, but you may not know exactly how many options you really have. This article will highlight some possible investment opportunities for holders of real estate IRAs. You may consider investing in commercial properties. Hotel development, a billion dollar business, is one such type of investment.
Your major concern should be occupancy and management, because, after all, there is no commerce if the rooms are empty. Years of planning and teams of investors go into the development of any hotel long any renovation or construction work begins, which will give you enough time to determine conclusively whether a particular investment is a good one for you.
Do not be so anxious to make a profit that you jump into this type, or any other type of investment deal without sufficient research and planning. Particularly if you have an interest in the sport, you might consider investing in the development of a golf course.
The key to making money with this type of investment is finding the right location or locations and the right backing. Be sure that you are investing in a course that will appeal to golfers of all skill levels and in turn, bring in tournaments and special events as well as have the capacity to generate premium greens fees. Make sure that the development addresses all of these concerns before you invest in it.
Using your real estate IRA funds to purchase a franchise is another popular investment option, since it offers the ability to own an established business where most of the work, including targeting the desired demographics and marketing them is already done. If you choose a good i.e. successful franchise, your brand identity will already be established as well. What you pay to the parent company is a franchise fee and a percentage of the profits, meaning that you essentially become a partner in the company.
These fees vary by franchise. Just be sure to research different franchises before you decide to invest. There are many other types of investments that are possible with a Real Estate IRA, including investing in residential properties. As with all types of investments, it is important to choose carefully and consult with your financial advisor. Remember, your IRA is your investment in your retirement and beyond, so think carefully and choose wisely before investing...

Strategies For Investing In Mutual Funds

If you are new to investing, you may have heard of mutual funds but do not know exactly what they are or how to select the right one. A mutual fund is a collective investment security, and there are many different types.
It may consist of a mix of several different types of investment vehicles, such as stocks, bonds, or derivatives, or it may consist of nothing but stocks that are part of a certain sector of the economy, or it could be just bonds. For example, there are mutual funds that consist of nothing but technology stocks. There are also funds that are comprised of stocks that have a similar market capitalization (such as mid-cap funds, large-cap funds, or small-cap funds).
And some might contain several different types of securities (such as stocks, bonds, etc.) that all fall within the same risk classification (high-risk, medium-risk, low-risk). Just like stocks, mutual funds have a price per share, also known as the Net Asset Value (NAV). The NAV is calculated by dividing the total value of the fund divided by the number of shares outstanding. As with stocks, the price fluctuates on a daily basis and it can be sold just like any other security.
When deciding what fund to invest in, you need to consider your investment goals. Are you looking for long-term capital appreciation, or would you prefer to receive immediate income from your investment? You also need to evaluate your risk tolerance.
Are you willing to take a chance on a speculative fund to potentially receive a better return, or is capital preservation a high priority? If capital preservation is your goal, then you should consider a mutual fund that consists of low risk equities and conservative bond and money market instruments.
If you want a mix of investments, then you should look for a balanced fund. If you want explosive capital appreciation, then you should consider a high-risk common stock or high-yielding bond fund. They are different than stocks when it comes to fees and expenses. As with stocks, funds are subject to capital gains taxes. But a fund is sometimes subject to a front-end and/or back-end load.
If there is a front-end load, that means that a percentage of the initial investment is automatically deducted to pay for commissions to the fund. If there is a back-end load, the investor must pay a fee when the security is sold.
Also, there is a 12b-1 fee that is often deducted to pay for advertising expenses incurred for the marketing of the fund to the public. Sometimes there is no 12b-1 fee, it depends. Investors might be unaware of the 12b-1 fee because it is sometimes deducted from the share price, so in a way, it is an invisible fee. I hope this introduction to mutual funds will help you make some decisions regarding your investments.
There are literally thousands of different funds available, and brokerage houses often have their own set of funds that they create for sale to their customers. Talk to your broker and see if he or she can help you identify the best investment vehicle for you. Just make sure you review the fee structure of the mutual fund you are interested in before you invest...

How to Invest Online

Like any type of investment or financial plan, online investing is not without its criticism's. The basic's of online investing is simple; it is much like making investments through a traditional financial planning organization, but from the comfort and privacy of your own computer. When you do anything online, you get the convenience of working anytime, anywhere, and having an incredible resource - the Internet - at your fingertips.
Why Online Investing is Popular In large part, online investments are popular because of the lower costs associated with making purchases, trades, and interacting with a broker or financial representative. Most people looking at making investments are already keeping an eye on their bottom line, and the opportunity to save a percentage of the fee is often enticing enough to warrant complete online interactions.
Online investing also has the advantage of being quick - which is vital in an industry where prices can change as quickly as the weather. In most cases, you also have access to information and updates on your account at all hours of the day, as well. This makes self-sufficiency in investing much easier for those who like to handle and view their own funds. However, it is important to note that investing online comes in two primary formats: working with a broker and working without a broker.
While the first option is a popular way to get the help you need making your investments, the second options carries a much larger potential for bad investments or a mishandling of your portfolio - unless you already have a good handle on how to invest for maximum return. Still, having an online broker isn't always the best option for new investors, either. Many brokers act as independent agents, and they often make a commission on your investment regardless of whether or not its in your best interest.
When you add the anonymity of interacting solely on the web, this increases your chances of falling victim to fraud or to a less-than-ideal broker relationship. The Online Investment Alternative Fortunately, there is a way to maintain the ease of online investments without sacrificing anything.
When you choose a financial advisor or financial planning firm that offers a combination of online and in-person transactions, you are better poised to get the most bang for your buck. Not only are financial advisors more in tune with the needs of the client, but they can help you facilitate many transactions quickly, easily, and with the results you've come to expect from investing your finances...

Stock Market Investing Basics for Beginners

There are several important things you should consider before you begin investing in the stock market: First off, pay off any credit card balances and other short term loans before even considering an investment in the stock market. Also, get in the habit of paying off your entire credit card balances every month.
Paying credit card companies large interest on your balances is a sure way to prevent you from building long term wealth. Second, maximize your contributions to your company sponsored 401K or 403B plan as well as your individual IRA. You will maximize your long term wealth by investing in tax deferred plans as opposed to taxable accounts.
Some companies even match a portion of their employees' investments. Your money will compound tax free until you have to begin taking mandatory distributions which start at age 70 ½ under the current tax code. Compounding your money tax tree is the best way to invest in the stock market. Decide your stock market investing time horizon: Now you need to consider your stock market investing time horizon and what kind of trader you'd like to be.
Consider the following:
This group tries to "scalp" small profits by buying or selling frequently throughout of the day.
2.Day Traders:
Similar to scalpers, this group might buy and sell the same stock as many as 50 times in one day. They try to exploit the volatility in the market.
3.Swing Traders:
These traders buy and hold their positions for several weeks or several months before selling.
4.Long Term Traders: This group buys and holds their investments for many years. For beginners, it would not be wise to try to invest in the stock market by scalping or day trading.
My Rebound Trading Systems are "swing trading" systems which enable the investor to invest in the best performing segments of the stock market and then continually upgrade their holdings as market conditions change.
Look at all your investment options: Everyone should have some money allocated to the fixed income market such as Corporate Bonds, U.S. Treasury Bonds or Notes, or CD (Certificates of Deposit).
If you are in a high tax bracket, Municipal Bonds are a good alternative because the interest paid is not subject to federal income tax. Depending on your age, the percentage of your total investments allocated to fixed income should range between 20 and 40%. Investors can invest in a mutual fund directly with the Mutual Fund Family.
However, it is far better to purchase mutual funds from a discount brokerage firm that handles many different families of mutual funds. (T.D. Ameritrade, Charles Schwab, and Scottrade, are three good alternatives.) This enables the investor to trade or upgrade their mutual fund holdings between various mutual fund families by placing the order with their discount broker. Mutual Fund or ETF Trading can be done online with a very user friendly trading platform.
Tips of investing in the Stock Market:
1.Select a Broker: Once you are ready to start investing in the stock market, you will need to set up an account with a stock broker. There are full service brokers and discount brokers. One attractive alternative is to have an auto-trade broker who will place the trades on your behalf. a. Full Service Brokers Full service brokers will make recommendations on what to buy.
However, the individual brokers are limited to what they can recommend based largely on the firm's research recommendations. They are unable to sell you a no-load mutual fund. They sell only loaded funds that carry a large front end commission or large commission when you sell. You can develop an on-going relationship with a full service broker since you will be placing all of your trades that broker.
The commissions at full service brokerage firms are significantly higher than those at a discount broker. Full service brokers include: Smith Barney, Merrill Lynch, and A.G. Edwards. b.Discount Brokers With a discount broker you make your own buy and sell decisions. You will be free to buy no-load mutual funds, individual stocks, and exchange traded funds. The commissions will be significantly lower than the commissions at a full service broker. While you can place your trades by telephone, you will find it much more convenient to place your trades on the discount broker's trading platform. These trading platforms are user friendly and facilitate the trading process. You can download the necessary forms to open an account and wire transfer your money to your new account. Unless you feel you need "hand holding" and are willing to pay higher commissions, I recommend you consider trading with a discount broker. Discount brokers include: T.D. Ameritrade, Charles Schwab, and Scottrade. c.Auto-Trade Broker If are unable or not interested in placing your own trades, an Auto-Trade Broker is a good alternative. Your commission charges will be a bit higher that with a discount broker but you will not have to check your email each evening and place your own trades.
The Auto-Trade Broker gets the trading signals at the same time as the subscriber and places the trades on the behalf of the subscriber. You can always see the value of your portfolio as well as the individual holdings on the Auto-Trader's trading platform. For those who never want to miss a trade and not have to worry about placing the individual trades, an auto-trade broker is a good alternative.
2.Know the Minimum Account Size Requirement You can purchase an Exchange Trade Fund or no-load mutual fund with as little as $1,000 to $2,500. However this would not give you much diversification. I recommend a minimum investment of $5,000 in each investment.
That would equate to a minimum portfolio sized of $25,000 to $35,000 depending on which system you decide to trade. These systems could be traded with half that amount but the commission charges as a percent to the total portfolio value will naturally be higher.
3.Become Educated I've developed a Mutual Fund Trading System that helps me buy and sell No-Load Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds at a success rate that routinely beats the performance of the S&P 500. I study the market and put a lot of time and effort into my fund portfolio recommendations so you don't have to. All you need to do is buy the funds I tell you I'm buying, and sell the funds I tell you I'm selling. It is really that easy. I do not play favorites and hold on to funds that have been good to me in the past.
I hold funds that make money and sell funds that don't. And I tend to be conservative in my selections because I buy the same funds I recommend to you. When fully invested I hold seven funds in the portfolio. You will keep the same number of funds in your portfolio. Subscribers should divide their total portfolio value by 7 and invest 1/7 of the total in each recommended fund...

How to Invest in Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds are probably the best way to invest in the stock market. For both the novice and experienced investor, Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are probably the best investment vehicles to invest in the stock market. What are Mutual Funds?
A mutual fund is a company that pools money from many investors and invests the money in stocks, bonds, short-term money-market stocks, or some combination of these investments. The portfolio is the combined mutual fund holdings. Each share represents an investor's proportionate ownership of the fund's holdings and the income those holdings generate.
There are many reasons that make mutual funds investing so attractive:
Diversification: Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds hold a portfolio of anywhere from 20 to 200 individual stocks. The multiplicity of holdings shields the entire portfolio from plummeting when bad news hits one particular stock.
Professional Management: Mutual Fund companies employ highly experienced professional managers to manage their individual mutual funds. These managers get to know all of the companies in their portfolio. They have tremendous computer and support resources at their disposal. Few individual investors have that level of sophistication.
Economies of Scale: Mutual funds are able to take advantage of their economies of scale to reduce the transaction costs associated with buying and selling. This translates to a savings for those investors involved in mutual funds investing.
Divisibility: Someone who only as $1,000 to $5,000 to invest cannot begin to purchase a sufficient number of individual stocks to get sufficient diversification. With No-Load Mutual Funds, there are no commissions to pay and an investor can get started investing with as little as $1,000.
How to get started: Investors can invest in a mutual fund directly with the Mutual Fund Family. However, it is far better to purchase mutual funds from a discount brokerage firm that handles many different families of mutual funds. (T.D. Ameritrade, Charles Schwab, and Scottrade, are three good alternatives.)
This enables the investor to trade or upgrade their mutual fund holdings between various mutual fund families by placing the order with their discount broker. Mutual Fund or ETF Trading can be done online with a very user friendly trading platform.
Rebound Mutual Fund Trader: This is a robust trading system that consistently outperforms the S&P 500. In fact, subscribers to this mutual fund trading system recently doubled their money in just 32 months. When fully invested, the Rebound Mutual Fund Trader holds 7 No-Load Mutual Funds or Exchange Traded Funds. The average holding time is currently running about 97 days.
This system only trades about twice per month and takes less than 30 minutes per month to perform the mutual funds trading. This mutual fund trading system is currently generating an annualized rate of return nearly triple that of the broader market indices. To get started on your way to doubling your money in the next 3 years by investing in Mutual Funds...

Investments through Mutual Fund SIP – Systematic Investment Planning.

There are a couple of ways that you can invest in a Mutual fund; one is a one time payment and the other through periodic investments. The later is termed to be Mutual Fund SIP. When you go for one time investments, you just hand over the cheque and you get your fund units depending on the value which is called Mutual NAV (Net Asset Value) of the units on that particular day.
When you go in for this kind of investments a couple of factors creep in that determines the number of units you get. A small percentage of your investment is charged as an administrative fee and is termed as entry load. The other charge that is levied is the Mutual Fund NAV, which is the price of the unit of a fund. Say if you are investing Rs 9000/ and if one particular unit costs Rs 30/, then the total number of units that you get to purchase is 300.
The other type of investment is done periodically instead of a one time down payment. This kind of investment planning is called Mutual Fund SIP (Systematic Investment Planning). This type of investment is done when you tend to go for high capital gains and you need to invest a bigger amount, but find it difficult to invest it at a single time.
It is then that the concept of Systematic Investment Planning creeps in. If you intend to invest a sum of Rs 10,000/ into a particular Mutual Fund, but your current financial obligations prevents you from doing so, then with the concept of SIP, you breakdown your investment principle into equal installments month wise. If a monthly investment of Rs 1000 is done at the end of the year you end up investing a sum of 12000/.
Unlike general investment where you pay an entry load, SIP usually doesn’t charge any fee, though as of late some companies have started to in the form of exit loads, which is a fee charged when you sell your units.
The minimum amount that has to be invested during a one time investment is Rs 5000/, where as incase of a SIP it could be Rs 500/ or more (depending on the company). In most cases payments through SIP is done month wise, but companies also gives their customers the option of making the payments half-yearly or quarterly.
Payments are basically made Electronic Clearance Service from your bank; this means the mutual fund will, as per your instructions, debit a certain amount from your account every month. If you don’t have the required money in your account, then for that month, no units will be allocated to you. But, if this continues periodically, the mutual fund will discontinue the SIP.
It is a compulsion that you state to the company as to how long you long you would want the SIP. After that during the course of the period if you realize that you can’t continue with the SIP, all you have to do is inform the fund 15 days prior to the payout.
The SIP will be discontinued. You can continue to keep your money with the fund and withdraw it when you want. The amount invested till then will be considered as the total investment made. Investing in Mutual Fund through SIP makes your budget more disciplined.
Every month you are forced to keep aside a fixed amount. It helps you make money over the long term. Since you get more units when the NAV (charge/unit) drops and fewer when it rises, the cost averages out over time. So you tide over all the ups and downs of the market without any drastic losses.
In case of SIP basically no fees are charged, but if you sell your units in a year time you pay and exit load. Hence it pays to invest in a longer run. The best way to enter a mutual fund is via an SIP. But to get the benefit of an SIP, think of at least a three-year time frame when you won't touch your money...
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Your Personal Guide To Mutual Funds Investing

A mutual fund is, in essence, a pool of money from several investors that is managed by a professional money manager or "Fund Manager" for a fee. Granted, that's a simplistic description for a complex type of security but from an investor's perspective, it's a pretty accurate definition.
By investing in mutual funds, you can put expert money managers to work to help you achieve your financial goals, whether you're saving for retirement, planning for your children's education or saving for any special need. Here are some guides for you to understand:
Choose Your Fund Strategy

There are a myriad of strategies, but we wanted to at least touch on the major ones in this introduction; Growth Investing, Value Investing, Income Investing, International Investing, Hedge Fund Investing, or a combination. In addition to these strategies you will often see something in the title of a mutual fund that further defines the area they invest in such as "Small Cap Growth".
Exchange Traded Fund or Traditional Fund
Next you will need to decide between a Traditional Fund or an Exchange Traded Fund or ETF. A traditional fund doesn't allow investors to buy and sell quite the same way as you would buy a stock. All traditional mutual fund orders are processed at 4PM EST; you can't trade these types of funds more than once during a single day. The other option is the Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) which trades exactly like a stock; you can buy and sell them whenever you want throughout the day. Choosing really depends on your personal preferences
Check the Expenses and Fees Before You Buy
The next subject is important, Mutual Fund Expenses and Fees. There are several types of fees that you need to be aware of and they are Loads, Redemption Fees, Transaction Fees, and 12b-1 Fees. Whoa, that seems like a lot to remember, right? Well here's a simple fact that will help you remember which fees to pay and which to try to avoid. Every fee is optional! That's right, the funds decide what fees they're going to try to get away with charging, and so can you guess which ones you should pay? None, you don't have to pay anything.
Check Fund Manager Tenure
The last thing to check is Fund Manager Tenure, which is how long the fund manager has been managing the fund. For example, if you were about to buy a fund that performed amazingly over the last 10 years but then found out they just replaced the fund manager 3 weeks ago, shouldn't that change your mind? If, on the other hand, a fund manager has outperformed his competitors and the index over periods as long as 20, 15 or even 10 years, we're impressed. That's a very long window of time and we feel it proves the value of his expertise. Well there you have the mutual fund guide. We sure hope you get the best choice in where you put your money...

Safe Investing in Real Estate

Investing is about making your money work for you. For many of you the latter part of 2008 and the first five and a half months of 2009 have seen you trying to salvage the funds that you worked so hard to get rather than building your wealth.

Many people in the financial sector have undoubtedly been telling you not to panic. The economy is cyclical. It will recover and over time you will get the money back that you have lost. Look at the charts and graphs.

They don’t lie. There have always been high and low cycles and recovery has always occurred. Holding the line probably will get you back to where you were.

However, what is going to move you ahead and help you get to where you should have been through the months lost to the recession and recovery? Loyalty to one’s financial planner, broker or banker is admirable. However, what would you do if you had a job where every payday your employer was to tell you he couldn’t pay you and then asked you to keep on working on the hope that someday you will get all of the money that is owed to you for the work completed? You need to be able to stay in your comfort zone and therefore you need to be proactive whether it is with your job or your investments.

Working for someone who doesn’t pay you or having investments that are losing money is not acceptable, especially when there are safe alternatives available. The corrective action for the employment issue is easy. You change employers. However, the alternatives for the investment issue may not be as easy. What is a safe investment? The best way to illustrate the answer is through an example:

You purchase a revenue property and pay cash for it. You find a tenant who you know will take care of the property, has an excellent income and who will sign a long term lease.

You do your due diligence and find that the tenant is financially strong and has an impeccable character.

The client moves in and you collect the rent. Because you have no mortgage and the tenant pays the utilities, taxes, and general upkeep of the property you are able to put the net rent in the bank and then use it to invest again and again compounding your return. Is there risk in the above investment? All investments carry some risk.

The strength of the tenant in the above example suggests the risk will be minimal. However, not all people can afford to purchase a revenue property and pay cash for it. What is the alternative? Consider the following:

You have $1,000 cash each month that basically will be spent and you will have nothing to show for it. You have an RRSP secured by mutual funds totaling $39,000 down from original $50,000. You have been dealing with the same financial planner for years and he is a friend you don’t want to upset. Your total $40,000 is not sufficient to purchase a revenue property free and clear. This situation presents a few issues that you have to deal with:

1) How can you invest in safe real estate when you don’t have enough to buy a property outright?

2) How much of the $1,000/mo. do you want to put to work for you?

3) How much of the $39,000 should you move to a self directed RRSP and invest in real estate?

4) How do you invest in something that your financial planner does not offer and still retain his goodwill and friendship?

5) How do you find an investment you can get out of if you need your money?

The answers for safe investing in this case are simple:

1) Investing in property has been made easy by syndicators. An investor joins a group of like-minded investors who want to own real estate that has no mortgage. Jointly they have enough money to make the purchase. A debt free private mutual fund trust accomplishes this goal and can have entry levels as low as $1,000. The group owns the building. The tenants pay basic rent and operating expenses with the remaining funds becoming the investors return. The syndicator completes the due diligence and reports to the investors. The challenge may be in finding the right syndicator. The degree of transparency that the syndicator offers will help you make that choice.

2) The portion of the $1,000 you want to put to work for you is your personal choice. You may not want to give up any of the funds as they represent a lifestyle you want to maintain or you may want to make the full amount productive now which will allow you to spend more in the future. A few private mutual funds allow you to make monthly contributions to your account. It may be as low as $100. Surprisingly, $100 per month will compound relatively quickly.

3) There are people in the financial sector who will tell you to invest the whole amount into their investment product. However common sense should tell you that spreading the risk is a wiser choice. Some so called experts suggest that 25% of your investment dollars should be working for you in real estate. Who came up with 25% is anybody’s guess. You should look at your investment portfolio and determine which investments have performed the worst. Those are the ones that you must deal with first. “Stop the bleeding!” Then you should look at the remaining investments and compare their returns to what you will make from receiving your share of the rent in the building your group is purchasing. You may want to move more dollars into that project or perhaps the next building being purchased.

4) True friendship should never stand in the way of business and investing should be treated like a business. In your review of your existing investments choose the ones that are giving you the best returns and keep them. Your financial planner will appreciate your confidence in his products and will understand your need to move losing funds to something which generates a positive return.

5) Getting out of an investment in times of need is essential. Many investment companies have penalties if you want to take your funds out of their investment. Be careful when you are investing. Ask about exit strategies and costs for early exit. The bottom line is that it is your money and you should be able to take it back when you need it. However if you do not deal with this issue up front you may have a problem down the road. Investing safely hasn’t changed over the years. Real estate has made many millionaires and will continue to do so. Recession creates fear. Fear leads to bad decisions. You should never have to play catch up with your investments. You must manage those investments intelligently in both good and bad times. Sitting doing nothing is the worst thing you can do. Making your earnings earn more is the key to becoming wealthy. Recovering what you have lost is really a step backwards Consider investing in real estate. Keep moving forward...

Is Investing A Fast Way To Make Money Online

Is investing truly a fast way to make money online or could there be another more powerful method that you may be unaware of? To know that answer you must first know what investing is in its truest sense, and that is the ability to place your monetary assets in a position to make money for you.
Many people with success have been doing just that for years, and many more are doing it still, but there is another method that could possibly generate far more money for you than investing ever could. Home based business owners and online business owners have used investing in a whole new sense to create abundant wealth.
These average people have learned that by investing in themselves and utilizing the global spanning power of the internet that they can make large sums of money in far less time than if investing. So what are the differences between these types of businesses and traditional investing, why should anyone consider investing in themselves? With traditional investing you must watch and wait for the right time to buy or sell to make a profit.
Now the time that it takes you to make that money can range from a couple of days to a couple of weeks and in average cases several months. The amount you make will depend upon how much you bought of say a particular stock and most likely that return for you will be only several hundred dollars or even a couple thousand if you are lucky. Unlike with traditional investing with a home based business or online business you can make money on a daily basis.
The amount that you make daily can range from a couple hundred dollars to several thousand dollars depending upon the type of business you are in. If you are currently a practitioner of traditional investing or know of someone who is here's are several questions that better put things into perspective.
On your best day or month how much money did you make? How long did you have to wait before you were able to make that money? Now unless you are an oil tycoon with abundant wealth to invest in stocks the income potential with a home business or online business will greatly exceed what you made with your current investment strategy.
A common fear with home based businesses or an online business is the fear of being scammed or taken advantage of. New flash, there is a large risk associated with traditional investing so why wouldn't there be one associated with these businesses as well.
It is sad that there are those who would take advantage of you but there are actually more legitimate opportunities out there then there are scams and there is also a fool proof method to differentiate the real from the fake.
Proper and thorough research will always trump a false home based business or online business. This means doing more than just browsing the webpage of an opportunity, this means actually investigating the validity of the company you are interested in. A simple and easy way to do that is to compare it to another similar business and you will undoubtedly find a genuine opportunity for yourself. God bless and good luck in your success.

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